Can the United States beat global warming?
Are you kidding? Al Gore told 10,000-some people at Boise State's Taco Bell Arena tonight that we introduced the concept of freedom to the world, ended slavery, fought World War II on two fronts, beat communism, beat apartheid, gave women the right to vote, fought for civil rights, went to the moon, and won the Fiesta Bowl 43-42 in overtime. You bet we can beat global warming - but only if we act now.
The former vice president brought his famous "slide show" to BSU on Monday night, much of it the same as what he presented in the film An Inconvenient Truth. But Gore continues to update and tailor his presentation for each audience he's addressing - so here, for example, he highlighted how the incidence and severity of forest fires has increased with temperatures over the past decade. He noted that he was in Japan last week for that nation's premier of An Inconvenient Truth, and observed how, in Japanese, the word crisis is represented by two symbols: one for danger, one for opportunity. To get to the opportunity, we must face up to the danger, he said.
Gore is not afraid to face the skeptics, the ranks of whom he said are dwindling faster than glaciers. What if your child had a fever, you went to the doctor, and the doctor told you to take action - but you said, "Well, I read this science fiction book and I'm not sure what you're saying is true"? Gore said folks who still question global warming are those who, if their child's crib was on fire, would declare their child flame-retardant.
To the skeptics, he shows evidence of glacial earthquakes in Greenland - seven in 1993, quadruple that in 2005. He shows studies that revealed how, of 928 peer-reviewed scientific studies, none disputed global warming - but 53% of 636 articles in the popular press did so (including this morning's Page 1 story in the Idaho Statesman). He also roundly debunks the false choices between a vibrant economy and a healthy environment, noting how growing legions of CEOs are embracing the idea that we can have both.
With slide after slide, Gore builds an incontrovertible case that climate crisis is happening, but also that we have the technology and the science to halt the growth in carbon emissions and even send them back toward 1970s levels. All we are missing is political will, Gore said, "and political will is a renewable resource."
That was his last statement. Earlier, Gore noted that he is a "recovering politician," maybe on step nine of a 12-step process. Part of me believes him, but part of me knows our country would be in a far different situation today had Gore gone to the White House - and perhaps Gore, too, knows that he may still have a charge to fill. There is no issue of greater import to the world's future than addressing the rise in CO2 emissions - and there is no one who is more passionate or more eloquent or more committed to the work that must be done than Al Gore.
Did you see Al Gore's presentation? What did you think?
Posted by: Julie Fanselow | January 22, 2007 at 11:02 PM
It seems to me that the major treasure valley news media has taken a rather less than lukewarm or negative approach when reporting on Al Gore's appearance, and that they made quite an effort in looking hard to find opposition to Al Gore's message about global warming. Even though global warming is a proven fact, it appears to me that they (the local media) were dragged kicking and screaming into reporting on this event.. Have you yourself picked on this possible underlying hostility towards the fmr. vice president? If so. Could you give us a more in depth view on possible reasons and motivations of why the local media may be portraying this in a possible negative light? and what we as citizens can do to address/counter-act the media's portrayal of this event (in specific reference to dealing with the treasure valley media?)
Posted by: Alex in Boise | January 23, 2007 at 10:14 AM
Your statements couldn't be more true. I woke early Monday morning and watched a few minutes of the local news broadcasts. Although both of the newscasts I watched did report that the Vice President (Mr President in MY BOOK TOO!) would be speaking, they made it such a point that Senator Craig would give a press conference in the morning regarding this issue. They also mentioned all about this big protest against the speech. Did anyone see the press conference with our beloved Senator? He stood in the lobby of the airport with a two reporters and cameramen. Woopdidoo! Then for this BIIIGGGG protest rally, I saw 3 people but BY GOLLY the press had it as high at 6! Agast! So anyone have a clue who "Idahoans for Oil" are? I was suprised the honrable Representative from the 1st Congressional District wasnt there (Can you tell by now how much I dislike this bozo?). As for the print, the superior reporting by the Mistakemen was nice to seek out very renouned and respected scientists. One was a Republican Senator from Ohio. What an elegant Quote, "Al Gore is full of crap." Hmmmm, I wonder if this is one of the folks helped by "W" education program, No Senator Left Behind?
Posted by: David Erin Anthony | January 23, 2007 at 11:36 AM