The most surreal week in Idaho political history is expected to reach its conclusion this morning. Embattled Sen. Larry Craig has scheduled a press conference at 10:30 at the Boise Depot. Use this as an open thread to discuss what Craig has to say, how he says it, and its implications for the future.
Update 11:30: My Daily Kos diary is here. I will post a few photos later. There's more local coverage at
PrideDEPOT,, MountainGoat Report, and the Idaho Statesman, and analysis at 43rd State Blues.
Update 1:15 p.m.: Here's an exhaustive compilation of Larry Craig-related political cartoons. Many are funny, some are sad, all make it clear Craig's career was, um, in the toilet.
No comments, eh? I guess we're all talked out (or talking elsewhere ... my Kos piece has 125+).
Posted by: Julie in Boise | September 01, 2007 at 07:01 PM