From the record breaking caucus to the exciting State convention, Idaho Democrats are energized and ready for the historic elections of 2008. Opportunities for participation and training abound.
Ada County State Convention Delegate Training, tomorrow, Tuesday, April 29th - prepare for your role in the convention and find out about running for national delegate. This free training is recommended for all delegates and alternates, and is open to the public. RSVP today if you have not already reserved your seat. Light refreshments will be offered, with time to meet and mingle with fellow delegates and local candidates. Please arrive early, the program begins at 6pm and will run to 8:30pm at the Boise Public Library Auditorium (back of building, west side) 715 S Capitol Blvd. (If you are a delegate and have not received your convention packet, you can download the information from the state website here.)
Precinct committeeman elections Tuesday, May 27th - yes, committeeman is the official, dated term listed on the ballot for the position of party precinct captain. Precinct captains are elected only in the primary elections, and serve to represent the Democratic voters of their precinct in the County Central Committee meetings. Precinct captains also elect the County and Legislative District Chairs, that then represent their Democratic constituents in the State Central Committee. The precinct captains are the first level of representation for individual Democrats at the local level, and can serve an important role in organizing and outreach for the party and for individual candidates. Yet even with headline grabbing turnout at the caucuses, and unprecedented interest in the Democratic presidential nomination, more than half of Ada county precinct positions remain unfilled. Of the 141 precincts in Ada county, only 57 had Democrats filed for the position by the March 21st deadline.
You can still file for these and other positions as a write-in candidate. Forms are available from your county elections office (Ada county here) and can be filed until May 13th. To be elected at the precinct or county level, a write-in candidate must receive a minimum of five votes in total. Precinct vacancies may also be filled by appointment from the County Central Committee between elections, but you won’t get the groovy certificate from the Secretary of State unless you go through the election process. Consider serving as a precinct captain and help build a winning team for the Democrats in Ada county, statewide and nationally.
Summer events like the Eagle Island Experience, Meridian Dairy Days, the Western Idaho Fair and more are also on the horizon and have spots for a volunteer just like you. Contact the Ada County Democrats at 331-2128 or on the web at to participate or for more information.