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June 06, 2008


"for every fanatic who wages jihad and seeks martyrdom, there are millions of peace-loving Muslims who shun extremism." So less than a thousand committed terrorists? Hahah, you're not just politically retarded.

"for every fanatic who wages jihad and seeks martyrdom, there are millions of peace-loving Muslims who shun extremism."

The percentages might be a bit questionable, but I'm sure everyone can agree with that statement, even our troops who face the extremists every day in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Increasingly, they are marginalizing the extremists in their religion"

Well, that is happening mostly where the west is able to bring military and police force against the extremists, thereby making it safe for the moderates to express their moderate views rather than parrot the party line because otherwise they could lose their heads just like the infidel.

"just as Christians are doing here in the United States."

This comes down to doctrine. I can't think of a terrorist act committed by an ostensibly Christian person in the last 100 years that was NOT condemned by the majority, mainline Christian clergy. The Atlanta abortion clinic bomber and Timothy McVeigh have been rarities compared to Moslem terrorists. You won't find a bishop of any Christian sect praising the murder of ordinary citizens for fanatical reasons the way Imams and Ayatollahs have.
The west has to help the moderate Muslims create a doctrine that will permit them to live in peace with non-Muslims without a legal system that makes the non-Muslims second-class citizens.

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