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June 24, 2008


For those who won't be too busy Saturday evening, the Boise Astronomical Society and Bogus Basin are hosting our annual star party for the Treasure Valley community. It gets started at 7 p.m. and goes until midnight. For more info, you can click on my name to read the blog post I just wrote about the event.


I'm personally going to be camping at Bruneau Dunes this Saturday night. Do you know if they're still doing their planetarium talks there on weekends?


It isn't a planetarium...it's an observatory. Yes, there should be a presentation by the new park interpretive specialist on both Friday and Saturday. You should definitely take the opportunity to look through the 25" scope they have down there.

A pity you aren't going next weekend as I'll be the one giving the presentations at Bruneau. On Friday, it'll be on "Cosmic Fireworks" in honor of the 4th of July and Saturday will be on total solar eclipses.

Right. An observatory. I knew that. We've been there before!

As for next weekend, I'll be at the 25th anniversary bash for good friends in WA state, watching the fireworks from Bill Gates' nearby estate. A pity, huh? (Mind you, my friends don't have an estate; they're simply renting out a place on Hood Canal that's near Gates' spread.

But your event sounds like big fun for anyone staying closer to home next weekend. Bruneau is a great place to camp, though I suspect reservations may be full for the 4th by now.

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