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July 31, 2008


What a GREAT summary of the event! Thanks, Julie! Also in attendance at the event was David Langhorst, who is running for Ada County Commissioner. Thanks to everyone for making this a wonderful kick-off for Idaho Veterans for Obama. Or should I say, "Laroc-Obama"!

Reposting from an earlier thread per Julie's request:

I just got back from the event; I'd say there were over 150 highly energized people there. It was great hearing from Larry LaRocco and especially Gov. Andrus. T.J. did a great job putting everything together; he did us District 20 Dems proud! Only problem I noted was John Greenfield saying that Abraham Lincoln had no military experience prior to being elected President (he actually was a Captain in the Illinois militia during the Black Hawk War: http://www.il.ngb.army.mil/museum/HistPeople/Lincoln.htm ), but this small inaccuracy was vastly overshadowed by seeing the former head of Sen. Clinton's Idaho organization come out so strongly for Sen. Obama.

I'm still not supporting Sen. Obama for President, but I could see myself switching my vote if Sen. McCain continues running an inappropriately negative campaign.

Thanks for the write-up and for keeping an open mind, Bubblehead.

I had my own encounters with terrorism while serving in Germany. Probably the first suicide bombing in history occurred during the Munich Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. I was fortunate to have been miles away in Boeblingen when it happened. But, my mom, myself and a friend had been there the day before. Had the red terrorists showed up even hours earlier, we might have been among the casualties or the witnesses. There were at least 4 dead and dozens injured.

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