We have opened our new office in the Alaska Building (1020 Main St. #340) and are now open for business! Please join us for an office party on August 29th from 3 PM to 7 PM. I'll be there, along with many of my staff and volunteers; we'd be happy to meet with you, and hope to see you there.
I recently visited the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, while they were holding their annual tribal cultural event (one of the ten largest such events in the country). It was worth going to; the food and festivities are something to be remembered. While I was there, I spoke with many people about what they considered to be the biggest issues affecting them in this election. I heard the same refrain from almost everyone I spoke to; the health care system is broken. By treaty, the reservation has health services provided by the federal government. But these have been cut to such an extent that the treatment received is much less than decent; the workers there simply don't have the resources to protect the health of the community. Visiting the reservation confirmed in my mind what I already believed; the American people deserve a new deal when it comes to our medical treatment, which covers every citizen equally and well, regardless of ancestry or income.
Everywhere I've gone in this state, the mood among Democrats is one that I haven't seen in this state for years; I think we're starting to remember that our role in Idaho doesn't always have to be that of the loyal opposition. I recently visited Idaho Falls and attended the Snake River Duck Race, where I met many supporters, both Democrats and otherwise. Idaho Falls has both excellent organization and excellent candidates; their model is exactly what is needed to strengthen the party where it is weaker in this state. I also marched with the Gooding County Democrats in their County parade along with Representatives Wendy Jaquet and Donna Pence.
If you're interested in meeting me, I'll be at the following events:
Drinking Liberally, 7pm-9pm tonight (August 20), Pengilly's, 513 Main St., Boise
The Obama for Idaho Office Opening, 5pm-7:30pm August 21, 9th and Jefferson, Boise
Western Idaho Fair, 1pm-3pm, 6pm-8pm, Saturday and Sunday, Ada County Democrats booth
Obama Watch Party, 6pm, August 28, Boise Basque Center, 601 Grove St.
Wagon Days, August 30, Hailey
Jefferson County Reception, evening of August 30 (tentative)
Twin Falls County Fair, August 30 (tentative)
Eastern Idaho Fair, August 31-September 6, Pocatello, Idaho Falls, and Blackfoot
Labor Day Picnic, Municipal Park, September 1, Boise
Labor Central Council Meetings, September 10-11, Pocatello and Firth