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August 25, 2008


Just caught the first segment on MSNBC with Luke Russert and I have tears in my eyes both from how strange it is for me, in my young life, to be watching as politically important as the convention without Tim Russert and for how powerful it was to have Tom Brokaw follow Luke, with a smile on his face, saying to Luke that his dad would be proud. Geesh, we're not even to the Ted Kennedy tribute yet and I've got tears in my ears!!

I'm on C-SPAN, Tara, mostly to avoid the spin. (I hear it's thick on the cable news networks, mostly how Clinton supporters are threatening to riot.) But that sounds really moving - and it still doesn't seem possible that Tim Russert is gone.

I'll be posting a Monday night thread soon for comments on tonight's events. I am going to close this thread to future comments. If any of you know of any other Idahoans blogging live from Denver, please send me a link at juliewrites at yahoo dot com. Thanks!

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