Thanks to Reggie for pointing out this new video from Big Boi and Mary J. Blige. Good stuff. I can't figure out the $7+ gas ... can any of you? (I mean, I know that's coming down the road in the not-distant future, but we're not there yet ...)
This isn't an explicitly pro-Obama video, but there's a quote from him at the start: "If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress." With the election now less than three months away, that's my attitude: America gets the leadership it deserves. There will be fear, fraud, and swiftboating; we'll need a landslide to ensure victory. But after two suspect elections and eight years of chicanery, we are ready for something better - and yes, I do think we deserve it, and that we can rise to greatness. Don't forget to register and vote.
Speaking of swiftboating, the good people at Media Matters are exposing the latest crap from Jerome Corsi, the same dude responsible for taking down war hero John Kerry in 2004. Media Matters also will be scrutinizing media coverage of Corsi's latest screed - and another anti-Obama book due soon - to be sure reporters don't repeat the same cluelessness with which they greeted Corsi's anti-Kerry diatribe in the summer of 2004.
In another sign that Idahoans are getting fed up with the GOP, we learned this week that Idaho taxpayers designated more money via the state's voluntary tax refund check-off for the state Democratic Party than for the Idaho Republican Party. Each taxpayer can only designate one dollar, and the tally for the 2007 tax year was $35,540 to the Democrats, $25,438 for the Republicans, $2,854 for the Idaho Libertarian Party, and $2,144 for the Constitution Party. Hmmmmmm ...
Hey, guess which infamous U.S. Senator will be among those skipping the GOP's national convention next month in Minneapolis? Word is that Dick Cheney will probably stay away, too. Of course, we'll know by then who will be The Next Cheney.
OMG! Paris Hilton responds to John McCain's ad lumping her with Brit and Barack. (Hat tip: Chryssa.)
Some upcoming events of note:
Twin Falls Drinking Liberally, 7 tonight (Wednesday), August 6 at Pandora's. The Twin Falls County Dems will also be at the TF Hispanic Heritage Fiesta this weekend.
A fundraiser is planned next Monday, August 11, to help send a dynamic duo of Idaho Young Democrats Steven Mercado (a national delegate ... w00t!) and Jessica Taylor (who will serve as a DNC page) to Denver later this month. Join Mayor Dave Bieter and other Dems of all ages as we gather at The Melting Pot, 200 N. 6th St., Boise, starting at 6 p.m., to honor Steve and Jessica and help them fund their trip. Suggested donation is $25 to $100, but all donations are welcome.
I still LOVE that Kathy Hilton is pissed about the ad, since she and Rick donated about 5K to McBush earlier this year. She had a great quote, wonder if I can find it is
"I actually have three responses. It is a complete waste of the money John McCain's contributors have donated to his campaign. It is a complete waste of the country's time and attention at the very moment when millions of people are losing their homes and their jobs. And it is a completely frivolous way to choose the next President of the United States."
Gee is she sure she isn't voting for Obama???
Posted by: theresa | August 06, 2008 at 09:42 AM
I didn't know that! Great quote. Maybe they'll stay home, anyway ...
I know the media is making much of people, including some Democrats, who - in the privacy of the voting booth - won't vote for Obama because he's black.
Well, I'm betting/hoping there will be at LEAST as many Republican-leaning folks who will vote for Obama because he's enough of a centrist to accept, and because he's just so much more substantive than McCain.
One more event to note: The Idaho Peace Coalition, Snake River Alliance, and others plan a remembrance of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings from 6 to 9 tonight at the Visual Arts Collective, 638 Osage, Garden City.
Posted by: Julie in Boise | August 06, 2008 at 10:23 AM