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August 15, 2008


Olympic watching...baseball watching...Fellini watching...more Olympics watching. Exciting, eh?

Sounds pretty good, Tara. Enjoy!

LaRocco for Senate is doing some community canvassing tomorrow morning. Those interested in joining should be at the campaign HQ in Boise by 9:30 a.m.

Lots and lots of door knocking to raise money as a National Delegate for the DNC, just me and my trusty bike!

After a long night at the fair and suffering a bit of a bum ankle these past few days, I've decided that I, too, will put in some TV time tonight. My line-up will include "Purpose Driven" pastor Rick Warren's interviews with Obama and McCain (6 p.m.), Michael Phelps going for #8 (at 9 p.m., I think), and probably an old episode of "The West Wing" in between. Yes, I have finally been watching TWW, albeit slowly ... we're only on Season 2. :)

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