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January 22, 2009


Brett, thanks for this post, the first of 2009 at Red State Rebels. I've just done one on TJ's run at the IDP blog, too. Click my name.

TJ embodies President Obama's call for post-partisan leadership that listens to everyone. He is truly one of the best up-and-coming public servants we have here in Idaho. I definitely look forward to voting for him this November (and perhaps in future Novembers, for other offices).

Thanks, Brett & Julie!

I would sure appreciate any assistance in getting this campaign jump-started. Campaigns are expensive and your donation will help me get my message out. Your donation is critical to the success of this campaign. Thank you for your generosity!

By Credit Card on Paypal:

By Check:
Make your check payable to "TJ Thomson for City Council" and mail to:
TJ Thomson for Council
Gail Bray Treasurer
2451 W. Abram Dr.
Boise, ID 83713

REAL Change For A Better Boise...

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results! ~ Albert Einstein

* Stable city management by a professional, accredited City Administrator free of partisan politics

* Apportionment of the City Council for truer representative government

* Accreditation of the Boise Police Department and reconstitution of the Office of the Police Ombudsman's Office into an "Office of the Citizen's Advocate" for all of City Government. An office found in good government everywhere.

* Efficiency, transparency and control with absorption of the various components of Boise's Shadow Government into City Government

* Inspiring, proactive infrastructure development and healthy, sustainable growth delivered by a City Hall more concerned with actual livability than with livability slogans

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The Office of the Mayor's budget, compensation and responsibilities dramatically reduced, becoming a Councilman-at-Large with ultra v powers. A Professional, accredited City admistrator vetted and hired by City Council and charged with executing the wishes of the people - as expressed by their representatives on the City Council - prudently, diligently, efficiently and without regard to partisan politics.

"Even the City Historian doesn’t know when the last time the city of Boise added a councilor position, it’s been 6 as long as anyone alive can remember. Look at it this way. In 1960 the city population was roughly 35,000. As of 2008, it’s approaching 235,000. In 1960, every 6000 had a city councilor, so to speak. In 2008, each councilor represents nearly 40,000 people. Compared to the generation of early 60s, the worth of our vote has been diluted by 6 or 7 to 1." It's time to examine the need for an expansion of the City Council.

Greater accountability and professionalism for the Boise Police Department with increased citizen control and oversite. These greater expectations supported properly with increased funding for training, equipment and compensation of Boise's Finest. "'User Friendliness" and transparency of City Government increased overall with reconstitution of the Office of the Police Ombudsman into an "Office of the Citizen's Advocate" for all of Boise's City Government. Similar offices can be found in good government everywhere.

It's time to thank Boise's various components of its Shadow Government for their service and absorb their operations into existing city departments and agencies where the professional and dedicated staff are more than capable to take the reins again, and want only for leadership. Members of Boise's Shadow Government include the CCDC and Gbad.


Direct Financial contributions are not being accepted.

If you want to see Real Change for Better Government & Sustainable Growth next election, consider instead...

* Telling your friends and family about my candidacy

* Repost my platform and a link to MurphyForMayor.org on the local message boards and sites that you visit

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