Are you running the Race to Robie Creek this weekend? Here's hoping for
not-horrible weather for you! The Saturday morning forecast is calling for
chilly temps and a 30 percent chance of rain.
A final reminder: Boise will be one of many cities nationwide taking part in the Nation for Change rallies for Barack Obama this Saturday (April 19). Meet downtown on the Grove at 12:30 for an address by 2nd District congressional candidate Debbie Holmes, then we'll walk to Capitol Park at 12:45 p.m., where 1st CD candidate Walt Minnick and former Gov. Cecil Andrus will be on hand. The event will conclude at 2 p.m. as we say the Pledge of Allegiance in unison with the other rallies happening nationwide.
Speaking of Obama, he scored several more major endorsements today, including former Clinton cabinet member Robert Reich and former Senators Sam Nunn and David Boren, two of the most respected Democratic voices on foreign policy. "I've been very torn, frankly," Reich told the L.A.Times. "I do feel some loyalty to the Clintons because I've known them for so long. ... I did not plan to endorse. I wanted to stay out of the whole endorsement racket. But my conscience wouldn't let me stay silent after this latest round of mudslinging." Here's Reich's blog post about his decision. (An aside ... even though RSR is a TypePad blog, I just love that Bob Reich uses Blogger just like millions of the rest of us.)
Looking ahead to Tuesday's Pennsylvania primary, we'll have the usual prognostication here at RSR on Tuesday. That night, an Idaho for Obama returns watch party is set for 5:30 p.m. that evening at Legends Pub And Grill, 7609 W. Overland in Boise.
The favored Republican solution to our health care cost crisis is Health Savings Accounts. They're a key component of John McCain's health-care plan, just as they have been for George W. Bush. But guess what? McCain doesn't have one. Of course he doesn't: His wife is filthy rich (how rich, it's hard to know since they won't release her tax returns) and besides, he has his Congressional health care plan - the same sort of high-quality, low-out-of-pocket coverage that most Democrats want to share with average uninsured or under-insured Americans.
It was sad to read today that Milky Way, one of downtown Boise's best restaurants, is closing this weekend. I'm even sadder to see that A Taste of Memphis, open less than a year on Idaho Street, may be gone soon, too. It's easy to understand why an upscale sort of place like Milky Way would have a tough time in this economy, but the more reasonably priced Memphis ought to be able to make a go of it. You out there: Stop hitting Applebees, Chilis, and the Old Spaghetti Factory and patronize locally owned restaurants, dammit.
In happier food news (and a sure sign of spring), the Capital City Public Market returns to downtown Boise tomorrow.
One other notable event: State Rep. Sue Chew is kicking off her re-election campaign with an Earth Day celebration at Edwards Greenhouse (Hill Road between 36th and Collister in Boise) from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday Sunday. Join Sue for art, music, refreshments, issues information, volunteer sign-up opportunities and more.
What else is happening this weekend? What's on your mind?