Just a few notes from the blogosphere ... my essay on how red-state expats ought to support their home state Democratic parties is featured this morning (Saturday, December 20) on the politics front page at The Huffington Post. (Here's a direct link, too. Please send it to Idaho friends and family who've moved to more progressive climes.)
Canyon County is inching Demward and it's already home to several bloggers including the estimable MountainGoat and Unequivocal Notion. Now it's also home to the Western Democrat, a new podcast-based blog. Check it out. Also, the Canyon County Democrats invite Democratic actvists from across southwestern Idaho to a planning session set for January 3 at the Nampa Civic Center. The time to get ready for 2010 is now.
Speaking of MountainGoat, MG and Tara from The Political Game have teamed up to launch a Zeb Bell page to chronicle the most egregious utterings of Idaho's own wingnut radio host and his "festering refuge for hate speech." It's already starting to get some coverage in the national blogosphere. You'll find all the info you need to take Bell (and his advertisers) to task for his racist, homophobic, xenophobic, theocratic crap. Have at it.
Finally, a reminder: the Idaho Democratic Party is interested in seeing independent, grassroots watchblogs established in legislative districts represented by some of the state's most regressive Republicans. If you'd like to help with this effort, shoot me an email at [email protected] and I'll get you into the loop.
Happy holidays!